A New Chapter

Well it has been quite sometime since I last blogged!! All due to being rather busy putting our house on the market and preparing for a move. After 37 great years in Oz it’s time for the next exciting chapter as we head North and plan a new life in France. Please...
Sales for Hay Bales

Sales for Hay Bales

An opportunity to donate to our local Rotary Club fundraiser who are currently raising funds to assist East Gippsland farmers. After a prolonged drought and a summer season of bushfires, our farmers and their cattle are suffering. Hay and fodder need to be transported...
Exhibition Opening

Exhibition Opening

What a wonderful day yesterday with the Official Opening of the joint exhibition “Animalia” with Carolyn Corr at the Amegilla Gallery in Bruthen. A great crowd turned up braving temperatures in the high 30s, to enjoy drinks and nibbles as they cast an eye...
Animalia at Amegilla

Animalia at Amegilla

Well here we are in 2019, currently looking forward to my joint exhibition with Carolyn Corr at Amegilla Gallery, Bruthen, Victoria Opening is on Sat. 2nd March at 11am with the exhibition running from Feb 28th to March 24th Love to see you there!
Local newspaper

Local newspaper

Feeling humbled to be a feature artist in the current Great Eastern Mail. A big thank you to Amegilla Gallery in Bruthen for providing the write up after my painting “The Parade Ring” was chosen as a prize to be won during the Spring Racing...
Glorious Gippsland

Glorious Gippsland

Soooo long since I’ve posted anything!!! Seem to be using Facebook a bit more these days. Just finished a piece for entry into The Glorious Gippsland Exhibition which is a fabulous 4 day art exhibition run by Bairnsdale and District Art Society. This depicts...