Farewell 2023, Hello 2024

Adjusting to a new life in a new country and all that entails takes time, so sadly this blog has slipped down the priority list. On the brink of a New Year I’ve decided to focus more on the social media side of things with (hopefully !) regular posts on my Facebook...
Bit of a Red Letter Day

Bit of a Red Letter Day

Today I had paintings hanging in a French exhibition! Okay not exactly in Paris😂 but the 20th running of a country exhibition organised by two local art groups, Archipelle & Les Arts de la Tiarde which was beautifully run and attracted a range of artworks in a...

March Madness

Waiting for Spring to arrive has driven me to ‘Spring Cleaning’! So down to the studio which is now to be known as The Pigsty. After a certain amount of reorganising and some up cycling of an old baby cot (thanks to Chris’ carpentry skillls) there are now 2 canvas...
February Fun

February Fun

Well a touch of snow was fun and a real novelty after so many years in Oz, however an ice cold studio – not fun. But no excuses a chilly run down the garden path to my converted pig sty aka studio each morning gets the blood running and the heater soon raises...
Up and Running!

Up and Running!

Well after a looooong break and some updates to my website it’s time to look forward to an exciting year ahead. Now thoroughly spoilt with a spacious studio area there’s no excuse to hang back, so look forward to regular posts on my Facebook page Susan Tufnell Art and...
Back on Track

Back on Track

Well, it’s time to get the art journey back on track. Covid Lockdown has been made more bearable thanks to ART. Art shows on tv, online workshops and inspirational zoom meetings with my wonderful tutor in Oz – Jan Long. So no excuses, back to the easel!!Last...