
February Fun

February Fun

Well a touch of snow was fun and a real novelty after so many years in Oz, however an ice cold studio - not fun. But...

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Up and Running!

Up and Running!

Well after a looooong break and some updates to my website it’s time to look forward to an exciting year ahead. Now...

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Back on Track

Back on Track

Well, it’s time to get the art journey back on track. Covid Lockdown has been made more bearable thanks to ART. Art...

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A New Chapter

Well it has been quite sometime since I last blogged!! All due to being rather busy putting our house on the market...

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Sales for Hay Bales

Sales for Hay Bales

An opportunity to donate to our local Rotary Club fundraiser who are currently raising funds to assist East Gippsland...

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Exhibition Opening

Exhibition Opening

What a wonderful day yesterday with the Official Opening of the joint exhibition "Animalia" with Carolyn Corr at the...

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